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“My Mother at Sixty-Six” is a poem by Kamala Das that reflects on the speaker’s relationship with her mother as she grows older. The poem begins with the speaker describing her mother as she approaches her 66th birthday. The speaker observes that her mother is no longer the same woman she used to be, but rather she has become “a thin old woman” with wrinkles and gray hair. The speaker reflects on the changes that have occurred in her mother’s life and how she has aged, noting that her mother’s “old sari” and “unsteady gait” now mark her as elderly.
The speaker then recalls the strong and vibrant woman her mother used to be, and how she was always busy with household chores and caring for her children. The speaker remembers how her mother used to sing and dance and how she would always find time to tell her children stories and play with them.
However, as the speaker’s mother has grown older, she has become more isolated and distant from her family. The speaker observes that her mother now spends most of her time alone, sitting in a chair and staring out the window. The speaker feels a sense of sadness and loss as she reflects on the changes in her mother’s life and the fact that she is no longer able to be the carefree and energetic woman she once was.
Despite these changes, the speaker still loves and respects her mother, and she is grateful for the love and care her mother has given her throughout her life. The speaker writes that she will always remember her mother’s “warm hands” and the way she used to stroke her hair when she was a child.
In the final stanza, the speaker reflects on the fleeting nature of life and how quickly time passes. She writes that she wants to hold onto the memories of her mother’s youth and vitality, and to always remember the love and warmth she has given her. The poem ends with the speaker expressing a desire to be with her mother always, even as she grows older and her mother’s physical presence fades.
MY MOTHER AT SIXTY SIX Imp Questions and Answers
What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?
The kind of pain and ache that the poet feels is the sorrow and emotional pain associated with the realization that her mother is aging and her physical appearance reflects that.
Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’?
The young trees are described as “sprinting” possibly to convey the idea of youthful energy and vitality, as opposed to the aged appearance of the poet’s mother.
Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children‘spilling out of their homes’?
The image of the merry children spilling out of their homes is used to contrast the lively, youthful scene with the aged appearance of the poet’s mother and to emphasize the theme of aging.
Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’?
The mother has been compared to the “late winter’s moon” to convey the idea of her being pale and wan, which implies her old age and frailty.
What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?
The parting words of the poet, “See you soon, Amma” and her smile, signify acceptance and love for her mother despite her age and physical decline. The smile may also indicate a sense of resolve or determination to face the reality of her mother’s aging and the associated emotions.