Childhood and Growing Up – B.Ed. – Important MCQs

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Q. 1 – A child with an IQ score ranging between 90 and 110 is considered to have:

(a) Sharp intelligence
(b) Giftedness
(c) Exceptional intelligence
(d) Average intelligence

— (d) Average intelligence

Q. 2 – The Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act applies to children of which age group?

(a) 6-12 years
(b) 7-13 years
(c) 5-11 years
(d) 6-14 years

— (d) 6-14 years

Q. 3 – Which is the most effective method to study a child’s growth and development?

(a) Comparative method
(b) Evolutionary method
(c) Statistical method
(d) Psychoanalytic method

— (b) Evolutionary method

Q. 4 – Gardner proposed seven types of intelligence. Which of the following is not one of them?

(a) Linguistic intelligence
(b) Interpersonal intelligence
(c) Spatial intelligence
(d) Emotional intelligence

— (d) Emotional intelligence

Q. 6 – The statement, “Psychology is the foundation of education,” was made by:

(a) Skinner
(b) B N Jha
(c) Davis
(d) Woodworth

— (a) Skinner

Q. 7 – At what age do children typically start recognizing Hindi letters?

(a) 6 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 3 years
(d) 4 years

— (b) 5 years

Q. 8 – Piaget’s stage of formal operational thought extends up to what age?

(a) 2-7 years
(b) 0-2 years
(c) 11-15 years
(d) 7-11 years

— (c) 11-15 years

Q. 9 – How many days does it typically take for a child to fully develop in the womb?

(a) 460 days
(b) 280 days
(c) 150 days
(d) 390 days

— (b) 280 days

Q. 10 – Growth in height and weight of children is an example of:

A) Change in affective domain
B) Qualitative change
C) Change in cognitive domain
D) Quantitative change

— D) Quantitative change

Q. 11 – Which psychologist is known for studying his own 3-year-old child?

(a) Watson
(b) Pestalozzi
(c) James Sully
(d) Stanley Hall

— (b) Pestalozzi

Q. 12 – The development of a child generally proceeds:

(a) Simultaneously in all directions
(b) From toe to head
(c) None of the above
(d) From head to toe

— (d) From head to toe

Q. 13 – Which statement about development is incorrect?

(a) Development occurs in a circular pattern
(b) Development is a universal process
(c) Development proceeds from specific to general
(d) Development follows a head-to-toe direction

— (c) Development proceeds from specific to general

Q. 14 – Which of the following is not a stage in prenatal development?

(a) Embryonic stage
(b) Ovum
(c) Infancy
(d) Seeding

— (c) Infancy

Q. 15 – The term “psychophysical unity of human life” refers to:

(a) The development of mind and body
(b) The development of bones and body
(c) The development of spirit and muscles
(d) The development of heart and body

— (a) The development of mind and body

Q. 16 – In prenatal development, which part forms first?

(a) Feet
(b) Hands
(c) All at the same time
(d) Head

— (d) Head

Q. 17 – How many bones does a newborn baby have?

(a) 320
(b) 270
(c) 230
(d) 206

— (b) 270

Q. 18 – At what age does a child begin recognizing their mother?

(a) 3 months
(b) 6 months
(c) 8 months
(d) 9 months

— (a) 3 months

Q. 19 – At birth, the weight of a baby’s brain is approximately:

(a) 450 grams
(b) 400 grams
(c) 350 grams
(d) 300 grams

— (c) 350 grams

Q. 20 – During which stage of life is a child most immersed in imaginative thinking?

(a) Childhood
(b) Adolescence
(c) Infancy
(d) Both infancy and adolescence

— (d) Both infancy and adolescence

Q. 21 – By what age can a child typically recognize primary colors?

(a) 5 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 2 years
(d) 3 years

— (a) 5 years

Q. 22 – In which stage of development does a child start speaking simple sentences and riding a tricycle?

(a) Adulthood
(b) Infancy
(c) Adolescence
(d) Childhood

— (b) Infancy

Q. 23 – A child first becomes attracted to which of the following?

(a) Food
(b) Sound
(c) Mother
(d) Light

— (d) Light

Q. 24 – A child’s curiosity should be addressed by:

(a) Excitement
(b) Suppression
(c) Encouraging exploration
(d) Calming

— (c) Encouraging exploration

Q. 25 – When did child development studies first begin in India?

(a) 1930
(b) 1879
(c) 1590
(d) 1887

— (a) 1930

Q. 26 – Which of the following factors has no effect on social development during adolescence?

(a) Needs
(b) Interests
(c) Attitudes
(d) Insecurity

— (d) Insecurity

Q. 27 – Which stage of adolescence is most closely related to character-building?

(a) The stage of established self-consciousness
(b) The stage of following traditions
(c) The stage of self-centeredness
(d) The stage of baseless self-consciousness

— (d) The stage of baseless self-consciousness

Q. 28 – Who stated that development brings forth new characteristics and abilities in a person?

(a) Monroe
(b) McDougall
(c) Harlock
(d) James Drever

— (c) Harlock

Q. 29 – “Adolescence is a second birth, where higher qualities are born.” This was stated by:

(a) Gidfrey
(b) Gessel
(c) John and Simpson
(d) Stanley Hall

— (d) Stanley Hall

Q. 30 – “Adolescence is a stage of ideals, principle formation, and general life adjustment.” This definition was given by:

(a) Frederick Tracy
(b) Haddo Report
(c) E.L. Peel
(d) Jean Piaget

— (d) Jean Piaget

Q. 31 – Mental development is least related to:

(a) Ability to comprehend
(b) Development of memory
(c) Reasoning and decision-making
(d) A student’s weight and height

— (d) A student’s weight and height

Q. 32 – The human body has the fewest bones during:

(a) After adolescence
(b) Childhood
(c) Infancy
(d) Adulthood

— (d) Adulthood

Q. 33 – The main challenge of adolescence is:

(a) Achieving good exam results
(b) Gaining weight
(c) Social adjustment
(d) Academic performance

— (c) Social adjustment

Q. 34 – “Adolescence is a period of intense struggle, storm, and stress,” was stated by:

(a) Thorndike
(b) Stanley Hall
(c) Skinner
(d) E.A. Kilpatrick

— (b) Stanley Hall

Q. 35 – According to Jean Piaget, there are how many stages of cognitive development?

(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 4

— (d) 4

Q. 36 – According to Erikson, during which stage does a child take initiative but may become overly assertive, leading to guilt?

(a) 6 to 12 years
(b) Initiative vs. Guilt stage (3 to 6 years)
(c) 18 months to 3 years
(d) Adolescence

— (b) Initiative vs. Guilt stage (3 to 6 years)

Q. 37 – Which of the following does not influence mental development?

(a) Economic condition of the family
(b) Religious environment
(c) Social status of the family
(d) Family environment

— (b) Religious environment

Q. 38 – Who developed the stage theory of moral reasoning?

(a) Erikson
(b) Freud
(c) Pavlov
(d) Kohlberg

— (d) Kohlberg

Q. 39 – Who conducted inheritance experiments on mice?

(a) McDougall
(b) Pavlov
(c) Mendel
(d) Karl Pearson

— (c) Mendel

Q. 40 – Which is not a trait of an energetic and sociable child?

(a) Sociable
(b) High energy levels
(c) Cheerful
(d) Easily irritated

— (d) Easily irritated

Q. 41 – At what age does adolescence typically begin?

(a) 12 years
(b) 18 years
(c) 10 years
(d) 16 years

— (a) 12 years

Q. 42 – Who introduced the concept of the “fully functioning person”?

(a) Ivan Pavlov
(b) Freud
(c) Carl Rogers
(d) Francis Galton

— (c) Carl Rogers

Q. 44 – “The sun moves with the child, follows his steps, and listens to him.” This statement illustrates which child characteristic?

(a) Object stability
(b) Animistic thinking
(c) Para-centrality
(d) Centrality

— (b) Animistic thinking

Q. 45 – Who argued that all languages possess certain universal features?

(a) E.C. Tolman
(b) Noam Chomsky
(c) Albert Bandura
(d) B.F. Skinner

— (b) Noam Chomsky

Q. 46 – According to Freud, in which developmental stage does a child’s focus shift to the genitals?

(a) Latency
(b) Phallic
(c) Anal
(d) Oral

— (b) Phallic

Q. 47 – Which of the following is a performance subscale in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children?

(a) Picture completion
(b) Verbal reasoning
(c) Similarities
(d) Arithmetic

— (a) Picture completion

Q. 48 – Which school of psychology focuses on the experiences of the first 4-5 years of life?

(a) Cognitive
(b) Behavioral
(c) Critical period theory
(d) Psychoanalytic

— (d) Psychoanalytic

Q. 49 – Who wrote A Biographical Sketch of an Infant?

(a) Darwin
(b) Shinn
(c) Stern
(d) Preyer

— (a) Darwin

Q. 50 – What is the meaning of a standardized test?

(a) Standardization
(b) Validity
(c) All of the above
(d) Reliability

— (c) All of the above

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